How to play The FAKE NEWS Fight

Some initial tips:

  • Try to fight the smiLies – you can shoot all of them except Stoan
  • Try to avoid contact – but ultimately they will try to crash into you!
  • The smiLie representing the white Lie (Noly) will drop cool stuff when hit
  • Most of the bosses will try to crash into you – after they took high damage. They will get red if this is the case!
  • You can always buy additional weapons if needed

Complete list of smiLies

OwYell is a quick and dirty SmiLie, not hard to destroy but numerous
Hardy Owyell
Being the big evil bro of OwYell, this fellow really tries to hit you
Green lies manifest into Greg – be careful it will not surrender lightly
Rude Greg
All Gregs summoned to find their most tough ones – The Rude Gregs
Hit by an argument, Roar will double himself, until it looses his horns. Shoot precisely!
Meet Ink, a horrible SmiLie. You will need lots of good arguments to blot out his position
Laughing about your arguments, this fellow needs to face the truth by all means
The Purp
A path of explosions follows The Purp! The faster it is convinced by your argumentation, the better
Purpurps were excluded by The Purp Community, for their drastic positions. Now they are on you!
No matter how hard your argument is, Stoan will gulp it. Evade quickly, arguments are useless!
Among all the SmiLies, there also is Noly The Friendly. Hit by an argument, it will drop a present for you